Can't Orgasm During Sex?

Can't Orgasm During Sex?

Delayed Ejaculation/Intravaginal Ejaculatory Dysfunction"

How Delayed Ejaculation/Intravaginal Ejaculatory Dysfunction Can Prevent Orgasm During Sex

Have you ever experienced delayed ejaculation or the inability to ejaculate during sex? It is a condition called "delayed ejaculation" (DE) or "intravaginal ejaculatory dysfunction" (IVEjD). In this issue, we would like to explain these surprisingly common disorders. Since it is a problem that can happen to anyone, let's learn more about it, and possible solutions.

Delayed Ejaculation (DE) and intravaginal ejaculatory dysfunction (IVEjD)
What is DE / IVEjD?
Criteria for DE / IVEjD
How Common is DE / IVEjD?
What Issues are Caused by DE / IVEjD?
Issues for People with Penises
Issues for Partners
Can Intravaginal Ejaculation Dysfunction Cause Problems with Pregnancy?
Causes and Prevention of DE / IVEjD
High-risk Masturbation Methods
Psychological/Mental Causes
How to Prevent DE / IVEjD
How to Improve DE / IVEjD
What to Do If You Have ED
How to Improve With Training
For Psychological/Mental Causes
Coping with DE / IVEjD
Talking with Your Partner
Lubricants Can Aid with Painful Intercourse
At-Home Insemination Kit
Summary: Addressing DE / IVEjD for a Better Sex Life

Delayed Ejaculation (DE) and intravaginal ejaculatory dysfunction (IVEjD)
Let's begin by looking at some basic information about delayed ejaculation and intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction.

What is DE / IVEjD?
Delayed ejaculation (DE) is a condition in which ejaculation during sex is later than intended. On the other hand, intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction (IVEjD) refers to difficulty ejaculating during sex. There is no clear criteria separating delayed ejaculation and intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction, but a severe case of delayed ejaculation is considered to be intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction. Symptoms of both can vary depending on the circumstances, and in most cases, ejaculation by masturbation is often possible.

Criteria for DE / IVEjD
"There are no clear diagnostic criteria for either delayed ejaculation or intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction. However, if you or your partner are feeling stressed about such issues, you may be considered as having delayed ejaculation or intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction. Conversely, if you or your partner do not consider these issues as a problem, then you might not be considered as having either of these disorders.
There is a way to self-check the condition of delayed ejaculation by using a scored test, if you wish to find out more, please check the following link:

Delayed Ejaculation/Intravaginal Ejaculatory Dysfunction Self-check

How Common is DE / IVEjD?
A 2017 survey conducted by TENGA Healthcare in Japan found that 5.8% of men in their 20s-70s have intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction*. It is clear that intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction is not an uncommon condition. In addition, 15.2% of men either have, or consider themselves to have, delayed ejaculation.
"*In this section, we define intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction as ""the inability to ejaculate vaginally over 50% of the time.

What Issues are Caused by DE / IVEjD?
Next, we will discuss what kind of issues delayed ejaculation and intravaginal ejaculation problems can create for people.

Issues for People with Penises
"Some may have the impression that longer penetration times are better, and that premature ejaculation is something to be ashamed about. Some may even think that delayed ejaculation or a long intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT - the duration of vaginal penetration) is a good thing, but too long of an insertion time can sometimes be problematic. These problems can be very serious to the person concerned and can greatly reduce the satisfaction of partnered sex.
Issues for People with Penises Related to DE / IVEjD
Being unable to ejaculate, thus not knowing when to end sex
Lacking a sense of accomplishment during sex
Not being able to feel good
Feeling awkward when unable to ejaculate
Feeling sorry for your partner
Not feeling positive or engaged in love & relationships

Issues for Partners
When someone has delayed ejaculation or intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction, it can cause anxiety and distress for their partner as well. In many cases, the one with the disorder may be unaware of the stress or pain caused during prolonged intercourse, and so their partner may be left to suffer alone.
Issues for Partners Related to DE / IVEjD
Pain in the penetrated area due to prolonged friction (pain during intercourse)
Sex is exhausting
I get anxious about not being able to make my partner feel good
Not feeling a sense of accomplishment

Can Intravaginal Ejaculation Dysfunction Cause Problems with Conceiving?
Intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction can also be a problem while trying to conceive. When trying to get pregnant, sex is often timed to coincide with the day of ovulation, but the inability to ejaculate vaginally means that the likelihood of pregnancy is incredibly low, not matter how good the timing is. It may be fine if the failure to ejaculate is only an occasional occurrence, but once you experience one failure, you may become impatient and anxious the next time you have sex, which may lead to a vicious cycle that makes it even more difficult to ejaculate.
As described above, delayed ejaculation and intravaginal ejaculation problems can decrease the satisfaction of not only the individual but also the couple and their sex life. This can sometimes cause issues with the relationship and conceiving.
The following link contains actual responses from patients struggling with delayed ejaculation and intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction. If you are wondering, "Could I have these disorders too?" please read more in the link below.

The voices of those with delayed ejaculation and intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction

Causes and Prevention of DE / IVEjD
High-risk Masturbation Methods 70.9%
Psychological Causes 29.1%
Pressure "to produce positive results" from undergoing infertility treatments
Only able to ejaculate when alone

About 70% of the causes of delayed ejaculation and intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction are "high-risk masturbation methods" and the remaining 30% are "psychological causes" [1]. Next, let us look at these causes and possible ways to prevent them.

High-risk Masturbation Methods
If methods of high-risk masturbation are practiced for a long time, it makes it difficult to get pleasure from the stimulation of conventional sex, resulting in potential delayed ejaculation or intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction. It is said that proper masturbation uses a gentle grip, like holding an egg, while the stroking at about the same speed as actual sex. The stimulation should be limited to a baseline level similar to vaginal stimulation, and any deviation from this is moving closer to high-risk masturbation.

<High-risk Masturbation Methods>
"Using A Too Strong Grip
High-Speed Stroking
Stretched Leg Posture
Floor Masturbation/Floor Humping
Vibrator Masturbation
Foreskin Masturbation
Water Stream Masturbation
Using Adult Content (e.g. Pornography)"

If you want to know more, high-risk masturbation is covered in more detail in the link below.

Danger! Increasing the Risk of Intravaginal Ejaculatory Dysfunction - 8 Inappropriate Masturbation Techniques (Onanism), for Males or Persons with Penises

Psychological/Mental Causes
Psychological causes can also lead to delayed ejaculation or intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction. Erections and ejaculations are said to be closely related to the activity of the nervous system, with ejaculation requiring sympathetic nerve activity (tension), and erections requiring parasympathetic nerve activity (relaxation). Erections and ejaculations are achieved when the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are functioning well, but this switching can malfunction when a person feels anxious.

Psychological factors that cause DE / IVEjD
"Anxiety (e.g., pressure to conceive)
Restlessness (being in a unfamiliar location or something weighing on your mind)
Excessive alcohol consumption
Medication for mental illness"

How to Prevent DE / IVEjD
High-risk methods of masturbation and psychological/mental issues can cause delayed ejaculation and intravaginal ejaculation problems, so DE / IVEjD may be prevented by resolving these issues.
In particular, "high-risk masturbation," which accounts for approximately 70% of the cases, is difficult to stop once it has become a habit. Never engaging in this sort of masturbation may lead to fewer issues in the long term. If you have adolescent children, it may be in their best interest if you can tactfully teach them about safer methods of masturbation.

Safer Masturbation Methods
"Using A Gentle Grip
Stroking Slow and Steady
Relax The Body
Pulling Back the Foreskin As Much As Possible
Refraining from Stimulation Different from Sex (e.g. floor humping, vibrations, water streams)
Avoid Using Adult Content (e.g. Pornography)"

How to Improve DE / IVEjD
For those who say they currently have ejaculation issues or would like to improve their ejaculation timing, we would like to introduce the following methods for improvement.

What to Do If You Have ED
For those with erectile dysfunction (ED), it may be difficult to have enough penetration time for ejaculation to occur, if the erection is lost sometime before or during insertion. In this case, the first step is to try and improve on the ED situation, which in turn could help with IVEjD by increasing penetration time. Some cases of ED may be improved slowly over time through lifestyle changes. Medication to help with erections can be faster, but there are some cases where the medication cannot be taken, such as if you have high blood pressure. Make sure to visit a board certified medical institution and follow their advice.

How to Improve With Training
If you do not have erectile dysfunction, certain training methods may improve delayed ejaculation or intravaginal ejaculation issues or concerns. Training is performed using a special masturbation device (MENS TRAINING CUP). Begin with the most stimulating CUP, and when you are able to ejaculate without issues, move on to a less stimulating CUP. The stimulation needed to achieve ejaculation is lowered each time, until eventually, ejaculation is possible with a CUP that is similar in stimulation to penetrative sex. It has been reported that more than 90% of participants with intravaginal ejaculation problems were able of ejaculate vaginally after using this method once a week for an average of 4.4 months. You may wish to consider this training method as an alternative to medication.

MEN'S TRAINING CUP Training Guide (Delayed Ejaculation and Intravaginal Ejaculation Dysfunction)

For Psychological/Mental Causes
For psychological/mental causes, resolving them first could improve the situation. For example, if you think "I must ejaculate quickly," then the stress and pressure may actually prevent you from ejaculating. Rather than focusing on ejaculation, it may be better to approach sex in a more relaxed and carefree mindset, "let whatever may happen, happen".
Partners also need to be careful not to add pressure to the situation. If your partner can reassure you that it is ok if you do not ejaculate quickly, during penetrative sex, or at all, this can take a heavy burden off your shoulders. You may want to discuss this with your partner so you can work together on resolving the issue.
If you cannot find a solution by yourself, it is always a good idea to seek counseling from a specialist.
Link to online consultation (counseling) with a specialist to help deal with ejaculation disorders

Coping with DE / IVEjD
We have introduced possible ways to improve delayed ejaculation and intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction, but it may take time to improve, or be difficult depending on the symptoms and causes. But are there ways to enhance your sex life and avoid fertility problems even if you have delayed ejaculation or intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction? Let's look into this a little further.

Talking with Your Partner
"If either partner feels that they or their partner is having trouble with ejaculation, first confide in the other person about their concerns. For example, if a woman feels pain due to the long penetration time, their partner may be unaware of it. Instead of waiting for the partner to notice, we recommend addressing the issue directly before the development of chronic vaginal pain or infection.
"If you can share your concerns, you can work together to improve or address the causes of the issues, and speaking with someone about it could possibly release some mental or emotional burdens that are also contributing to the issue. Since each individual may prefer different lengths of penetration time, it is a good idea to first ask your partner what he or she wants rather than making assumptions.

What is the ideal insertion time for sex? Thinking about premature ejaculation/delayed ejaculation from an insertion time perspective

Lubricants Can Aid with Painful Intercourse
If pain during intercourse is a problem for you or your partner, we recommend using lubricant. Lubricant can be used to make insertion easier and relieve intercourse pain.

Gently lubricating MOIST CARE GEL for anxiety and stress-free love

At-Home Insemination Kit
An alternative method for those who are having difficulty in conceiving due to ejaculation issues is to use an at-home insemination kit.
An at-home insemination kit is used to aspirate semen with a special catheter and syringe and inject it into the vagina, creating a similar situation of ejaculation without having sex. TENGA Healthcare has an at-home insemination kit for facilitating insemination.
The at-home insemination kit can be used without having sexual intercourse, as well as being used in cases where ejaculation during sex was not possible. In the case of men who have intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction due to the psychological/mental pressures of trying to conceive, this method can help with conception.

Feel safer, less pressure - prepare for pregnancy using the Syringe Kit

Summary: Addressing DE / IVEjD for a Better Sex Life
In this article, we have introduced the symptoms, causes, and improvement methods of delayed ejaculation and intravaginal ejaculation dysfunction. As we have discussed, the condition of having a long penetration time before ejaculation can cause many types of problems and stress. If you have any concerns or anxieties, now is a good time to take appropriate measures after carefully understanding your situation and needs.

"[1]Teruo Abe, ""Orgasmic Disorder and Sex Therapy, Introduction to Sex Counseling, 2nd Edition,"" Kanehara Publishing, p122-128, 2005.