4 Ways to Prevent Premature Ejaculation

4 Ways to Prevent Premature Ejaculation

4 Premature Ejaculation Improvement, Countermeasure, and Prevention Methods

"Due to the sensitive nature of premature ejaculation, it can be difficult for those who suffer from it to discuss with others. In this article, we will introduce four methods that have been reported to be effective in aiding with issues regarding premature ejaculation. The causes of premature ejaculation will also be more fully explained. We hope to help you understand more about the underlying reasons and discover countermeasures to prevent premature ejaculation that suit you.



What is Premature Ejaculation?

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Cause 1: Being Overly Excited

Cause 2: Insufficient Strength/Control Of Pelvic Floor Muscles

4 Premature Ejaculation Improvement, Countermeasure, and Prevention Methods

Method 1: Premature Ejaculation Training

Method 2: Strengthening Pelvic Floor Muscles

Method 3: Dapoxetine (also known as Priligy), A Premature Ejaculation Treatment Drug

Warnings when using Dapoxetine

Method 4: Erectile Dysfunction Medicine

Honorable Mentions

Topical Anesthetic Sprays or Ointments

Wearing Thick Condoms


Summary: Prevention of Premature Ejaculation Begins with Training

What is Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a person ejaculates sooner than intended. Although medically it is defined as "ejaculation within one minute of vaginal penetration" [1], if you (or your partner) feel stressed or dissatisfied with the length of sexual encounters, you may have an issue with premature ejaculation.

Diagnostic criteria for premature ejaculation and self-check methods link below.


What is premature ejaculation? Introduction to improvement methods

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

There are two main causes of premature ejaculation: "Being Overly Excited" and "Insufficient Strength/Control Of Pelvic Floor Muscles".

Cause 1: Being Overly Excited

Ejaculation is more likely to occur during sex or masturbation when the autonomic nervous system is in a state of "sympathetic dominance" [2]."Sympathetic nervous system dominance," is a state in which the brain is overly excited, often referred to as a ‘Fight or Flight’ state.

The switch that causes the brain to become "sympathetically dominant" is stress. Even in everyday life, this switch is turned on when we feel anxious or stressed and become "tense" or in a ‘Fight or Flight’ state. If the cause of premature ejaculation is this tension, the following sequence of events could be occurring: ➡"I am worried that I will ejaculate too soon" ➡ tension/stress increases ➡ sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant ➡ (premature) ejaculation. Ironically, the more you try to resist premature ejaculation, the harder it becomes, if this is the cause.

If you become more accustomed to, and therefore relaxed during sex, or if you become more confident in your ability to endure the feeling of impending climax, your brain may no longer get over excited and the symptoms of premature ejaculation could potentially subside.

There are methods to suppress this excitation with medication.

Cause 2: Insufficient Strength/Control Of Pelvic Floor Muscles

The pelvic floor muscles are a general term for the hammock-shaped muscles located in the lower part of the pelvis.



Pelvic Floor Muscle Group

When the brain is stimulated and the command to ejaculate is sent from the the spinal cord, the pelvic floor muscles tense (causing a heightened ejaculation sensation). When this tension reaches a certain level, the pelvic floor muscles contract rhythmically and semen is pushed out through the urethra resulting in ejaculation. In theory, if we can consciously relax the pelvic floor muscles so that they do not tense, we may be able to delay the sensation of impending climax.

Pelvic muscle strength and control are important when it comes to relaxing the pelvic floor muscles. People often ask, "Why do I need to strengthen my muscles to relax?" The answer is that without sufficient muscle strength, it is not possible to stabilize certain parts of the body in order to allow other parts to relax their muscles. For example, an athlete's body is stable and supported even when relaxed because it is supported by sufficient muscular strength, especially using the inner core muscles.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and improving your control over them will also make ejaculation more controllable.

4 Premature Ejaculation Improvement, Countermeasure, and Prevention Methods

Here we will introduce some methods for improving and preventing premature ejaculation that have been found to be effective.

Method 1: Premature Ejaculation Training

Ease-of-use: ★★☆☆☆ Cost-effectiveness: ★★★★☆ Safety: ★★★★★

Premature Ejaculation Training is a technique that involves consciously relaxing the pelvic floor muscles to avoid ejaculation. Training is done during masturbation.

Premature Ejaculation Training requires patience, but once the technique has been mastered, control over the pelvic floor muscles is learned and the effects can be repeated and refreshed with no side effects.

Premature Ejaculation Training consists of 4 sessions per week x 7 weeks (28 sessions total). The training is divided into four steps, which allows you to master ejaculation endurance step by step. Although training can be done by hand, it has been reported that insertion time can be further extended with the use of a specialized device [3].

"Change in insertion time before and after training

With use of special device: 2.69 times longer

Without device: 1.38 times longer"

Refer to the following link for detailed training methods and potential results.


Struggling with Lasting Longer? Try Premature Ejaculation Training

Method 2: Strengthening Pelvic Floor Muscles

Ease-of-use: ★★★★☆ Cost-effectiveness: ★★★★★ Safety: ★★★★★

As mentioned earlier, increasing the strength of the pelvic floor muscles is also important for improving your control over them. As your strength increases, you can relax more consistently and confidently to avoid premature ejaculation. It is best to train these muscles during the  Premature Ejaculation Training.

Pelvic floor muscle exercises have been reported to not only prolong insertion time [4] but also improve erectile strength [5]. Pelvic floor muscle exercises can be performed frequently, whether sitting or lying down, and should be a part of your daily routine.

Please refer to the following links for techniques and potential results of incorporating pelvic floor muscle exercises into your daily life.


Training Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

Improve Premature Ejaculation by Training Your Pelvic Floor Muscles!

Method 3: Dapoxetine (also known as Priligy), A Premature Ejaculation Treatment Drug

Ease-of-use: ★★★☆☆ Cost-effectiveness: ★☆☆☆☆ Safety: ★☆☆☆☆ (Please consult your physician about availability in your country)

This is a method of preventing premature ejaculation with medication.

A globally recognized drug for the treatment of premature ejaculation is Dapoxetine (Priligy). Dapoxetine was originally prescribed as an antidepressant that increases serotonin in the brain. Serotonin has the ability to suppress "sympathetic nervous system dominance" and has attracted attention as a treatment for premature ejaculation.

"Change in ejaculation time before and after 12 weeks of taking dapoxetine [6]

Placebo 0.9 min ➡ 1.75 min

Dapoxetine 30 mg 0.9 min ➡ 2.78 min

Dapoxetine 60 mg 0.9 min ➡ 3.32 min"

Unlike training, it may be easier to get results, but it needs to be taken every time you have sex. This is not a long-term, permanent solution to premature ejaculation.

Although not available in all countries, and with possible high costs, it can be a quick and effective solution if you want to improve issues with premature ejaculation immediately. If that is the case, you may consider using it after consulting with your doctor.

Warnings when using Dapoxetine

While Dapoxetine can be a useful treatment, here are some things to keep in mind:

Caution 1: Not approved in Some Countries

It is approved in more than 50 countries worldwide, although you will need to verify whether Dapoxetine is approved in your country.

Caution 2: Price of medicine

Because it is not approved in some countries, the cost to purchase it can be high (for example, if it is not covered by insurance). Prices can vary depending on the dosage and whether it is the generic version or not.

Caution 3: Side Effects

Side effects such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth have been reported.

Caution 4: May cause adverse drug interactions or affect pre-existing conditions

If you have a pre-existing heart or liver disease, or are taking antidepressants, you may not be able to take this medication. There may be other issues when taking this drug, so please consult a medical professional before purchasing.

Caution 5: Not a long-term cure

"This medication may provide temporary improvement, but does not cure premature ejaculation. It must be taken every time you have sex.


Method 4: Erectile Dysfunction Medicine

Ease-of-use: ★★★★☆ Cost-effectiveness: ★★☆☆☆ Safety: ★★★★☆

Medication and treatment for erectile dysfunction, or ED, have also been reported to improve the condition of premature ejaculation [7]. This is especially true for those who wish to improve the hardness of their erection at the same time. Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, and their generic counterparts are approved in many countries, so they are relatively easy to obtain through urologists and other medical professionals. Some people may have side effects from their use, so always consult your doctor first.


Can ED drugs also help with premature ejaculation?

Honorable Mentions

The four major methods for improving premature ejaculation are listed above, but here we will also introduce you to some other countermeasures.

Topical Anesthetic Sprays or Ointments

Ease-of-use: ★★☆☆☆ Cost-effectiveness: ????? Safety: ★☆☆☆☆ (Please consult your physician about availability in your country)

This method uses a spray or ointment containing an anesthetic (such as lidocaine) to numb the penis. The use of anesthetics in the prevention of premature ejaculation has not been approved in some areas, so consult a medical specialist in your country before use.

If the anesthetic remains on the surface of the penis, your partner will also be anesthetized, so be sure to wash it off thoroughly before insertion or wear a condom. In addition, the sensitivity of the penis decreases, potentially making it more difficult to feel pleasure.

Wearing Thick Condoms

Ease-of-use: ★★★★★ Cost-effectiveness: ★★☆☆☆ Safety: ★★★★★

This method uses a thick condom to reduce stimulation to the penis. Condoms that are at least 0.1 mm thick and are available in many countries. It is easy to implement, but pleasure is reduced and many claim to "feel nothing".


If you are not sure how to treat the problem, it is recommended that you seek counseling with a specialist. Talking to someone may help you realize the underlying causes. This method is also made easier as online counseling is also available.


Online consultation (counseling) with a specialist for dealing with ejaculation disorders is available. Click here for a medical specialist.

Summary: Prevention of Premature Ejaculation Begins with Training

In this article, we have compiled a list of measures to help improve issues with premature ejaculation. Since the drug Dapoxetine has not been approved in all countries, it may be better to start with Premature Ejaculation Training and consult with a medical professional as needed.

For Premature Ejaculation Training, we recommend using the TIMING TRAINER, optimized for such training and able to be used repeatedly.


[1]McMahon, Chris G., et al. "An evidence‐based definition of lifelong premature ejaculation: report of the International Society for Sexual Medicine Ad Hoc Committee for the Definition of Premature Ejaculation." BJU international 102.3 (2008): 338-350.

[2]Giuliano, François. "Neurophysiology of erection and ejaculation." The journal of sexual medicine 8 (2011): 310-315.

[3]Rodríguez, Jesús E., Juan C. Marzo, and José A. Piqueras. "Efficacy of Sphincter Control Training (SCT) in the treatment of premature ejaculation, a new cognitive behavioral approach: A parallel-group randomized, controlled trial." PloS one 14.2 (2019): e0212274.

[4]Pastore, AL1, et al. "A prospective randomized study to compare pelvic floor rehabilitation and dapoxetine for treatment of lifelong premature ejaculation." International journal of andrology 35.4 (2012): 528-533.

[5]Aversa, Antonio, et al. "Effects of vardenafil administration on intravaginal ejaculatory latency time in men with lifelong premature ejaculation." International Journal of Impotence Research 21.4 (2009): 221-227.

[6]Pryor, Jon L., et al. "Efficacy and tolerability of dapoxetine in treatment of premature ejaculation: an integrated analysis of two double-blind, randomised controlled trials." The lancet 368.9539 (2006): 929-937.

"[7]Aversa, Antonio, et al. ""Effects of vardenafil administration on intravaginal ejaculatory latency time in men with lifelong premature ejaculation."" International Journal of Impotence Research 21.4 (2009): 221-227.


Author Profile

Chief of Research and Development, TENGA Healthcare

Hideyuki Ushiba

"University undergraduate and graduate major in neuroscience. 

Joined TENGA Corporation in 2016.  

In charge of research and development of TENGA Healthcare products."

In addition to product development, we hope to provide you with useful information on sexuality and fertility.

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